Product Design Portfolio

Projects, Products, Concepts.


Recent Work



Topz is a desktop lighting solution. It incorporates both a lamp for direct light over for example a document and an indirect light to change the dynamic of the room. Simply use the soft touch lamp shade to adjust seemlessly.


Eve is an air fryer for a social, living room environment. The product aims to make cooking automated and worry-free, whilst taking the user back to a 1950s style movie watching experience.


This desk lamp fits around any screen. Infinite positioning and user-customised profiles allow for an unobtrusive experience fitting into the user’s working environment.

From the Archive…

Skills and Research : What I’ve Learnt so far…

Strengths, Interests and Experiences.

Manufacturing: Materials and Processes, incorporated right from the start


A 3D Printed Bicycle Frame with AMCM

Over the course of year I’ve worked as a placement student at AMCM, a company specializing customizing EOS laser sintering machines. To showcase large scale capabilities we designed a metal bike frame to print in a single piece.

Topz: Design for Manufacture

Getting an existing design to the next stage: Implementing Design for Manufacture from material selection to factory layout - a group project.

Biocomposites: Material Overview.

What materials could become relevant in future? And how can these be applied to improve product performance and sustainability?


Prototyping and Model Making:
Getting Hands-On

Aroma Hearth

Aroma Hearth incorporates fire effect technology into an aroma diffuser to create an ambient home appliance and interface.

Machine Model

Model making for functional showcasing. How can the essence of a design be communicated in a tangible and effective way?

Candle Holder

A simple candle holder and oil burner, hand crafted from a sheet of copper.


Sketching: Ideas, and Communicating them


Quick ball point sketches or a well executed pencil drawing are a great first glimpse at what an idea could look like or to just note down an interaction or function. Adding a little colour can make it stand out and spring to life.

Functional Drawing

Be it a technical explosion to explain an assembly, a functional resolution to indicate a mechanism or a story board to showcase a usage scenario functional drawings are great for bringing across a products intent.

Marker Rendering

The so called ‘Hero’ is a great way to make a convincing case for the appeal of a product concept. It captures the form as a whole, points out details and has the flair of a hand made drawing.


Graphics: Keeping it simple, functional and well integrated.

Aso: Brand Book

Turning a product into a brand: What is the person buying my product like? Where are they from? Bringing the company to the user, holistically from the font and colours to the website and packaging.

CAD Intro: Digital Document

Starting with computer aided design can be a little overwhelming. Bringing what I have learnt to a newcomer in an accessible document.

Graphic Journal: Printed Booklet

My first steps in graphic design collected in a printed booklet. Sometimes it’s better have something in your hand.